Funny Cat Stories Every Dedicated Owner Can Relate
“OMG, my cat’s trying to kill me!” Every dedicated cat owner might have thought that at one point or another due to the complexities and frustrations that our loving companions bring us from time to time. One day, the cat pisses on the couch instead of the litter box. Another day, he knocks over the TV. Yet another day, you find the packet of beef jerky that you forgot to put away has been ripped open and completely devoured. This book, “How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you”, presents a humorous and satirical account of the common inconveniences most cat owners put up with on a regular basis as well as a few funny attempts to get into the head of a cat and see things from their perspective.
Types of funny cat stories and cat satire in the book
This book is written and illustrated by Matthew Inman, the blogger who runs theOatmeal. Different sections/chapters of the book alternate between satirical illustrations of the daily frustrations of a cat owner and various funny cat stories presented in the form of short comic strips. Matthew has a unique style of drawing cats which you can get a taste of from his blog.
If you’re looking for actionable and practical advice on how to make your life easier as a cat owner, then I’m afraid you won’t find much in the book. But if you like to revel in unique yet light-hearted humor plus lots of funny cat stories that only cat owners can understand and appreciate, then you should definitely pick up a copy of this book.
Yes, I’d also like to know if my cat wants to kill me
Then please click the button below to head to where you can learn more about this book including the paperback and Kindle version. Please note that the paperback version also includes a folded detachable poster summarizing the satirical ways your cat may be trying to kill you (like a giant info-graphic.)